Our fees are £18 per session (from September 2024 they will be £21).
Sessions can be taken in 3-hour blocks in the morning or afternoon.
When ready, children can stay all day (9am - 3pm) . Lunch will be incorporated into the afternoon session and children will need to bring in a packed lunch.
Fees are payable monthly in advance and will be invoiced accordingly. Fees continue to be payable in the event of the child being absent.
You may be eligible for help with fees via one of the Government schemes, please see below.
The pre-school is registered to receive Early Years funding for eligible 3 and 4 year olds for up to 15 hours per week. You will be sent a form by us to claim your funding when you are due to receive it. A child becomes eligible for funding from the term following their 3rd birthday as follows:-
A child born between: |
Will be eligible for a free place for six terms from: |
1st January and 31st March (inclusive). | The start of the Summer term following their third birthday (after Easter break) until statutory school age. |
1st April and 31st August (inclusive). | The start of the Autumn term following their third birthday (after summer break) until statutory school age. |
1st September and 31st December (inclusive). |
The start of the Spring term following their third birthday (after Christmas break) until statutory school age. |
You can access all of the 15 hours (without additional payment) by attending 5 x 3 hour sessions a week. This can be taken as an all-day block and/or afternoons.
Free for Two: -
Some 2 year olds may also be eligible for funding under the Free for Two Scheme. See Free for Two talking books on KCC's YouTube for more details (this is an external link) - different languages available below.
English Nepali Polish Punjabi Romanian Yoruba
Funding for Working Parents:
For these and other funding options, please see the link below:
Please also see our Fee Policy - Policies and Procedures.
If you have any questions please contact us.